Visit Nara Park

Nara Park is a large park in central Nara, established in 1880. The area is also home to famous attractions which include Todaiji and Kasuga Taisha.

Nara Deer Park

The park is home to hundreds of freely roaming deer. According to Shintoism, they are considered to be messengers of the gods. Nara's 1200 deers have become a symbol of the city and even been designated as a natural treasure. The deers are surprisingly tame, however they can be aggressive if they think you will feed them. Deer crackers are for sale around the park for tourist who which to feed the animals.  Some deers have learned to bow to visitors to ask to be fed.

Deers in Nara


is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara. The temple was constructed in 752 as the head temple of all provincial Buddhist temples of Japan and grew so powerful that the capital was moved from Nara to Nagaoka in 784 in order to lower the temple's influence on government affairs.

Todaiji Temple

Kasuga Taisha

Kasuga Taisha is Nara most celebrated shrine It was established at the same time as the capital and is dedicated to the deity responsible for the protection of the city. Kasuga Taisha was also the tutelary shrine of the Fujiwara Japan's most powerful family clan during most of the Nara and Heian periods Like the Ise Shrines, Kasuga Taisha had been periodically rebuilt every 20 years for many centuries. In the case of Kasuga Taisha, however, the custom was discontinued at the end of the Edo period.

Kasuga Taisha

- Kitty
