Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is recognised as Japan's highest mountain. The mountain in Japanese is often referred to as "Fuji San" where "Fuji" is the name and "San" refers to the mountain. It is currently ranked 35th in the lists of the Top 50 Prominent Peaks on Earth.

(Picture from

The months of July and August is recognised as the "climbing season" as individuals attempt to climb the 3776-metre mountain. The mountain can be approached from all sides, so any mode of transport or route is possible. This includes:

  • Plane
  • Bus
  • Car
  • Tour Guide
  • Horseback

(Image from Intro Japan)

Although it may be exciting in conquering such feet, the mountain is recognised by researchers that it is at a "critical state" where it can erupt at any moment.

Written by Antony Law
