
Sushi is recognised as one of Japan's most iconic dish. It can be found from all over the world with certain twists in each country. A saying goes, "if you didn't go to Japan to eat sushi, did you really go to Japan?" There are many types of sushi, most of which incorporate vinegared Japanese rice. In this blog, we will explore the different types of sushi and certain condiments that are usually served with it.

Maki Sushi

This type of sushi is more of the popular and most recognised out of all the types of sushi. Maki sushi consists of fresh ingredients such as fish, egg or fresh vegetables; that is wrapped up in seaweed (nori).

(Image from Manners and Mischief)

Temaki Sushi

Temaki Sushi is a cone version of the Maki Sushi where it manipulates the nori to make it look like an ice-cream cone. Almost any ingredient can go into this style of sushi.

(Image from Pinterest)

Nigiri Sushi

Nigiri is a style of sushi where it is Japanese vinegared rice served with a fresh piece of raw fish (e.g., salmon or tuna). This sushi is often recognised as more of the expensive style of sushi.

(Image from Secrets of Sushi)


Sashimi recalled for the dish with slices of raw fish. This dish is served without rice.

(Image from Diffen)


Condiments served with sushi often help preserve the freshness of the fish, prevent food poisoning, refresh palette and ultimately enhance the flavours. These condiments can include:
  • Soy sauce
  • Wasabi
  • Pickled ginger

By Antony Law
