Museums aren't all boring!!

OK...Time to get educated in Japan! AKA Museums

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Japanese Museum

So we've showed you places to eat, places to have a hot bath and how the Japanese kick-a**, I think it's time for us to show you some places that will force you to learn something new! (While having loads of fun of course) ๐Ÿ‘ Japan has many speciality museums, below this are a few tourist favourites, there are loads more though!

CupNoodles Museums 
Trust Japan to make even museums cool... 
Who didn't grow up eating these bad boys during a late night studying session ๐Ÿ“–? Or not even because you were studying, you were just hungry at 1am? Or maybe mum/dad was too lazy to cook one night? Or are you just a university student without a job? Whatever your excuses is, cup-noodles is unavoidable growing up, so why not complete your childhood  ๐Ÿ‘ถ by visiting a whole museum dedicated to instant noodles. 

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Flavours Cup noodle display

Did you even know that were that many flavours?

Shinyokohama Ramen Museum
Yes, we are back to Ramen ๐Ÿคฃ c'mon who doesn't love ramen? Ok, I know i wrote a whole blog about Ramen, but this isn't about eating Ramen (kinda...). This is about looking at ramen?  ๐Ÿฅ˜ Ok well if you're in Japan you would have already consumed your fair share of Ramen, why not visit and learn about the culture and tradition about the food you are consuming, at the end of this tour you can also customise and create your own Ramen! 

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One feature of the Ramen Museum

Ok, Might aswell eat another bowl of Ramen while you're here

The Railway Museum
That's enough about food museums, lets have a look at something more historical. When you think Japan, your mind jumps to the fast bullet trains ๐Ÿš„ they have. And then you get sad because our country is sooooo developed, with the worse trains in the world?? An interactive museum for the young AND old ๐Ÿ‘ด!! Come to be immersed in the revolution of trains within Japan over the last century, life sized models and recent expansion has made the museum even more modern, is that possible? 

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Railway Museum display

Life size models for you to enter and check out

Written by: Lylie le
