Japanese Onsen

Want somewhere to relax? How about an Onsen? 

In this blog, I will be introducing what an Onsen is and some common etiquette.
What is an Onsen you may ask? Onsen is public baths with water derived from hot springs which are located near volcanic activity. Onsens in Japan are really common as it is used as a way of relaxing after a day worth of work. Although these are public facilities, they are often separated between genders while others may be mixed.

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Common Etiquette
  • Clean yourself first! 
    • Showering first before entering the public baths is important due to the fact that hygiene plays a key role in keeping the baths clean. There will often be an area where individuals are able to rinse and wash. In most cases, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and towels are provided.
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  • No swimwear
    • Wearing swimwear to these Onsens is a big no-no. Mainly due to the belief that it may or will dirty the bath. Nudity is considered normal when visiting Japanese Onsens. 
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  • No tattoos
    • Tattoos are considered taboo in Japan. Most Japanese Onsens do not allow entry for those with tattoos. This is mainly because having a tattoo usually represents that you are somewhat related to the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia). If you do have a small tattoo though it is possible to use a band-aid to hide it, however, trying to hide a big tattoo may be an issue. 
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(Image from Google)

Although this may feel uncomfortable for foreigners or even for yourself. This is an experience definitely worth facing!

By Antony Law
